

 Serving Tips

  • Caviar shall be served into a cold bowl over ice
  • Serve with crackers, minced onion, shredded egg white and butter
  • Add Agha Reza Persian rice with saffron to delight your audience
  • Use spoons made of inert materials such as mother of pearl , animal horn, gold or wood
  • Place caviar pearls gently in your mouth and leave your tongue smash the grains on your palate to enjoy full taste and flavour
  • Caviar and Champagne constitute a great pairing

Caviar Collection 

The Beluga Sturgeon (HUSO HUSO) is the biggest freshwater fish in the world. The largest Beluga ever caught weighed 1,571 kg and was 7.2 m long. The Beluga is extremely long lived and females reach maturity at the age of 25 years before getting ready to lay eggs. With an impressive roe size , delicate buttery flavour and a remarkably tasteful finish , Beluga is considered one of life’s greatest pleasures by caviar connoisseurs.
Colour : Black to light grey

Almas caviar is the most expensive caviar in the world.It comes from the rare Albino sturgeon with a life expectancy from 60 to 100 years.Only one in 6.000 sturgeon carry the amazingly albino eggs making Almas the most exclusive caviar available and highly prized by caviar lovers.Albino sturgeons can belong to various sturgeon species including the Beluga, Oscietra, River Beluga and other variations as well.
Colour: White , Yellow , Grey

The Oscietra Sturgeon (ACIPENSER GUELDENSTAEDTII) produces one of the most highly reputed caviars in the world . The fish can grow up to 2,5 m long and weigh 120 kg .They may live up to 50 years and reaches maturity between 10 – 15 years . Grains have a distinct unique nutty almost creamy walnut taste with a very pleasant burst. Oscietra belongs to the most celebrated caviars known for its juicy grains.
Colour: Deep brown to lighter gold

An extremely impressive caviar.Big goldish HUSO DAURICUS roes with an elegant  taste.  large grain and superior taste caviar that melts in mouth with buttery flavour known for its creamy note. It gets at least 12-18 years of sturgeon maturity to get this superior caviar . A perfect marriage  of two sturgeon native to the Amur River basin DAURICUS X SCHRENKI.
Colour: Light gold

The kaluga Sturgeon DAURICUS combined with SCHERENKII sturgeon, results in a perfect marriage. Also known as the river beluga, they are claimed to be one of the the largest freshwater fishes in the world, with a maximum size of at least 1,000 kg and 5.6 m long. Females do not reach maturity until at least 18 years of age . Large pearly grains , earth and buttery taste .Colour: Deep brown to jade green

The Siberian Sturgeon (ACIPENCER BAERII) can grow up to 2 m long and weigh 65 kg. They may live up to 60 years and reaches maturity between 18-28 years. Grains have a delicate and creamy texture and highly aromatic spicy flavour. This particular caviar is very popular among caviar lovers . It offers a balance of butter and brine with a remarkable finish.
Colour: Blackish to charcoal